Grande Prairie Veterans Memorial Gardens Event: September 8 – 10, 2023
Attention all Association Members.

A weekend event is being held in Grande Prairie, Alberta on September 8th to 10th by the Veterans Memorial Gardens & Interpretive Center in Grande Prairie to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Italian Campaign and the Battle of Ortona. This event will focus heavily on the Loyal Edmonton Regiment but is centered around the 56 regional soldiers from the area that gave their live, 34 of which were Loyal Eddies. Find attached the promotional poster highlighting the various activities.
The event organizers have a strong grip on the event preparations and are now looking to begin firming up numbers, sponsorships, etc., so we are looking for realistic interest from our Association members that may be interested in attending. We have at least 2 tables for the main dinner being sponsored by the Association or privately by Associate members. That will currently provide seating for 16 members at a saving of 125.00 per person. Will fill those seats on a first come, first serve basis, please provide your names to me as soon as possible. Any seats left over will be offered to our affiliated cadet corps. Seating for our serving members is being provided separately. Please feel free to sponsor another table where possible.
The host also has a block of 50 x double bed hotel rooms at the Sandman Hotel set aside for 109.00 each. 18 are already put aside for the serving members and 2 for Valour Place reps. The remainder are available on a first come, first serve basis. Again, you can provide me with your names and I’ll get it assigned to you.
Finally, several of us plan to ride up to Grande Prairie via motorcycle. The more the merrier, so if you do ride, this is another great reason to go.
Please let Mike Rarog know if you are interested in potentially attending.